I love how Emmanuel Adebayor has matched his all white clothing with his white Aston Martin. These footballers and their flashy cars won’t make us mere mortals feel like lesser human beings. This week it’s the turn of Togolese striker Emmamuel Seyi Adebayor. The Tottenham Hot spur’s player who is sid to be worth $25 million is showing off his latest acquisition, an Aston Martin DBS, price range: $275,861 – $299,576. The Aston Martin is just on of his luxury fleet of cars, which includes a custom Bentley, Mercedes-Benz G-class, a Porsche Carrera & a few other luxury whips. Get a load of his swagging garage after the cut:
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Eastern part of Ghana called Kwahu the people are real money makers. Will triple the money before buying the car. Anyway you deserve it but remember MONEY has wings ask MC Hammer? Just saying.