Iyanya has really finished this Yvonne Nelson girl, she took time to pour out her heart on this interview with Toolz, she revealed that she gave Iyanya her waist because she thought she was in love and they eventually broke up at Iyanya's birthday after she showed up only to be greeted by several Mrs. Iyanyas from South Africa, London, Malawi, Bostwana, Ethiopia, USA and more.

Wow!! I feel really sorry for Yvonne now, she was just a number afterall!!
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    1. Aww I love this lady.. I mean she is so simple and you can even predict she is not a good lier... kisses

    2. Could that be a reason of giving up?anything good people fight for it.

    3. You gave him your waist.he did it deliberately to frustrate you maybe u were missing some important issues in bed my dear celebrite.

    4. If truly he had all those nationals as babes...den dt little boy is serzly sick n nids urgent help...As for yvonne...u beautiful n wld gt d kinda guy dt deserves u...


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