Winasbet Nigerian Student Fashion And Design Week (NSFDW) which has been rated by Google has the Biggest Fashion Week in Africa for students, had over 40 emerging designers who showcased their various new collections at the just held fashion show. But one person has to go home with the prize which was, Vovwe Omoko, who emerged the most creative designer. Her short interview after the cut.
Can we know more about you?
Vovwe: I am Vovwe Omoko. The creative director of Ovems Fashion. A graduate of Fine and Applied Arts Delta State University. I recently also graduated from the Osc College of Fashion.
What informed your participation at the Winasbet NSFDW?
Vovwe: I got a mail, inviting me to participate at this year's edition. I called my mentor, Mrs Sola Babatunde and she advised me to go ahead with it. So I did.

What was going through your mind as you were making your collection?
Vovwe: Well I really just wanted to make clothes that ladies of all social strata could wear and feel classy, special and excellent in. My passion which is to bring class into street fashion as such replacing the usual trashy looks, inspired the collection.
Would you say Winasbet NSFDW has affected your career as a designer?
Vovwe: Honestly, Winasbet NSFDW has affected me positively, my confidence has since been boosted, it has challenged me to be even more creative and mature in my designs. The show also has increased the number of people who now know about my fashion house Ovems Fashion. It’s been great.
Did you ever think you were going to be the winner ?

Vovwe: Oh no! I never ever in my wildest dreams thought it would be me. I was indeed favoured by God.

How do you feel about going on to participate at the Africa Fashion week Nigeria for free?
Vovwe: I am excited but saddled with thoughts of the responsibility and high level of creativity that would come with it. It’s a privilege.
What is the most important thing you learnt from your participation at the Winasbet NSFDW?
Vovwe: One word, uniqueness. In the fashion industry every designer must have something unique about his or her work.
How Old Are You?
Vovwe: I clocked 25 on the 1st of June, 2014
Where are you from?
Vovwe: I am from Otowodo in Ughelli North Local Government area of Delta State.
Advice to other upcoming Designers like you?
Vovwe: They should never give up, they should keep pushing. Be hardworking and prayerful. They should also try to come on board next year and register for Winasbet NSFDW as it’s now the biggest Fashion Week in Africa for emerging fashion designers.

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