“I'm from Delta State. I was born into a Christian family of five girls
and a boy. I lost my brother in 1991 to asthma. I lived with my parents
until I came to Lagos after my secondary school. I was living with my
sister, got into music and that was when I went to Klink Studio, joined a
band and started performing live. My daddy is a fantastic man. He is
Chief SKC Damasus. He was a banker all his life. During the war he was a
soldier and after the war he became a banker. My mum is a banker as
well. I was brought up in a home of bankers. Everything was by the book.
You go to school, come back, study, receive guests and the likes.
Again, because I had older sisters things were easier. Growing up was
My family name was changed from Ojukwu to Damasus during the
Nigeria/Biafra civil war because we were being mistaken to be related
to a warlord. I was told that my family name used to be Ojukwu but
during the civil war there was confusion because a lot of my family
members were mistaken to be related to one war lord. They were burning a
lot of houses in my village so my father and his brother decided to
adopt my grandfather's first name. It was a Greek name which was
Damasus, my grandfather's name was Damasus Ojukwu. So I was born into
Damasus not Ojukwu and the only thing I know about the civil war are the
stories my parents told me.” - Stella Damasus
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Nids bbm friends...32D74D3F.. I'm a guy.... If asuu dsides to strike @list I can still ping