According to our source, a young Ghanian student, who claimed to be in one of the well known Federal institution in Ghana, sent in a scandalous video.The source claims that the girl in the video, who happens to be the one of the `bigger girls on campus clique’  has been known for her promiscuous ways and sexual relations with loads of people
But has never gone to the extent of filming her sex-tape.The source also hinted that though the lecturer didn’t have a problem with their sexual desire videoed, he never would have expected it to leak as she assured him it was just for their viewing pleasure.Apparently, the video has been making its rounds on the internet lately.
Making and releasing sex-tape is starting to become a new norm in the African society as young men and women who are hoping for quick fame have now realised that selling sex is the fastest way to get there.Do you think we should accept these new acts as just the signs of changing times, or do you believe such acts of sexual promiscuity should be nipped in the bud.Share your views in the comments section.



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    1. Hahahahha..I could nt help laugh @Part 1...d girl lookin lik (dis man wil sure deal wit u)hahahah..God help our generation...africans wil soon go hey wire

    2. Thats sad,how will he look his family again.And this gal has got a long way to go in life and she desides to dent her future,shame.

    3. This is not a joking matter atall, well she has tried on her investigations, she has seen how she looks while sleeping, without her knowing that she can not see beyond her nose. when death comes to her really no body has to attend then it will be the peoples own time to notice what she has known , i mean if she can bury her self!.

    4. Dis lady should'nt have posted dis cos she still have a long way to go and it can also ternish her image

    5. Nawao what is her plan is she ok atall.

    6. na lie all na scam...from the look of things, it never show a sign of lecturer to student thing. tell me which lecturer will accept a student to CAM such scene. i believe the man gave an offer to d gurl which from part 1, the gurl was never happy n feeling shy of the situation. And for the part 3 so called the part 2, they both enjoy the CAM. so where is the lecturer to student relationship here. plz always very and analyse from ur source b4 comin to conclusion. na so dem talk dat dey say dem see anaconda for ilorin wey b sey na big python. who fit face anaconda easily

    7. Xclusive took their time to search nd download dis vid 4rm a porn site;
      Then posted a vague story to backup their actual intention of jst wanting pple 2 watch dat porn video.
      U jst lack news 2 publish these days! RUBBISH!!!

    8. But how could the hve been d one who leaked the video when she didn't seem to enjoy it in part 1 anyways me I think there's nothing wrong with making ama sex tapes

    9. Ya neh, I fl xem 4 de lecture

    10. I jerked off watching this video. I like how she lays there dead in part one.


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