bba chase kiss sex pictures

bba chase betty bolt kiss sex

So, earlier on today in the Big Brother Africa Season 8 House, Sierra Leone's housemate Bolt and Ethiopia's Betty seized the moment to share a passionate kiss in the dark. The two Diamond Housemates obviously couldn't keep their hands off each other as their fellow housemates slept soundly. So much so that when things got a little too heated, Bolt bolted out of bed, and rummaged through bags, pockets and boxes, clearly searching for something. Whatever it was, when he couldn't find it,  he reluctantly gave up, went to the kitchen, came back with a glass of water which he handed Betty. Thirsty Betty seemed to appreciate this kind gesture and repaid Bolt in kind. After giving him the smooch of the century, she slipped her hand under Bolt's shirt and the two lay in each other’s arms, with no care in the world. Betty doesn't know she is up for eviction just yet, together with Denzel, Hudda, Selly and Natasha.  Do you think this might save her?
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