The boy, who is 22 and identified as Roberto, was rescued by his neighbors and his aunt, who took him to the region's largest city, Iquitos.
Roberto, who also has tuberculosis, has been living in a nursing home for people with HIV since the beginning of March. He suffered burns to his face, arms and legs.
A local newspaper reported that Nuñez attacked Roberto because he "could not bear being a laughing stock after they learned his son had homosexual inclinations."
But Roberto told the press that his father was motivated as much by fear of his illness as homophobia. "My father wanted to kill me for having these illnesses," Roberto said. "Unfortunately, my father does not accept me as I am."
Since learning of the case, the local LGBT organization, the Comunidad Homosexual de la Región Loreto (CHERL), is hoping the local authorities will treat this case as a human rights abuse, not just an assault.
Hate crimes are a widespread problem in Peru, say activists, who have been pressing the national government to pass a hate crimes law.
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God save u sef..if na me I 4 yanka u first then tear ur body fire